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Monday, January 23, 2012


                                                        Artery clogging food

A diet healthy for your body will be healthy for your penis. If you eat fatty type foods (like fried chicken) that lead to clogged arteries not only your heart will suffer. The penis depends on blood to enlarge and will not reach full size if the arteries that supply it are blocked!
This effects both penis enlargement efforts and your ability to attain and maintain an erection. Strong blood flow is critical to both. And if your poor diet is clogging your arteries, neither exercises or penis supplement will be able to help you achieve penis growth.
So what to do?
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, lean meats such as fish and grains like whole wheat or oats. Stay away from processed sugar white flour products and fast foods.
Take a quality multivitamin and mineral supplement daily. Find one without iron as men often have levels that are too high already.
Quit smoking. Studies have actually shown that smoking may lead to decreased penis size (has to do with decreased blood flow).

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